„The solution doesn't care how the problem arose."

Insoo Kim Berg


An occasion for individual therapy may be a particular problem that occurs repeatedly throughout life or that cannot be resolved. 

Therapy can help you stabilize when you are currently in a crisis. This can be triggered by various circumstances, such as:

  • Burnout and exhaustion
  • Loneliness
  • Interpersonal conflicts
  • Workload / loss of work
  • The desire for professional reorientation
  • Decision-making difficulties
  • Grief due to the loss of a close person
  • Crisis of meaning
  • Divorce/ separation


During our sessions we look at your previous attempts at a solution for your problem: which have been helpful and what has been missing so far so that something can change in your situation?

You will learn to recognize how to use your strengths and resources to discover a solution that suits you.


Life is not what it should be. It is what it is. It's how you deal with it that makes the difference..”

Virginia Satir


Sometimes people live in relationships that they experience as complicated. Feelings of loneliness, of feeling misunderstood, or disappointed expectations can become overwhelming.

An important step towards a fulfilling relationship goes through a first small change. Couples therapy can be such a first change, as it in itself creates a break in the usual pattern of communication for the couple.

Topics in couples therapy can be, for example:

  • Communication problems

  • Lack of trust

  • Jealousy

  • Lack of closeness

  • Unfulfilled sexuality

  • Cheating

  • Parenthood and being a couple

  • Unfulfilled desire to have children


In couples therapy, I offer a non-judgmental and confidential environment in which you as a couple are invited to work through your issues.

Couples therapy is an aid in changing communication so that you and your partner can enter into sincere contact with each other. Impulses and exercises that I put in enable you to learn a new way of interacting with each other.

It is not necessary to be in an acute relationship crisis for couples therapy. It can be used as a support or prevention.


„It is simple, but not easy!" Steve de Shazer


Online counseling is a good alternative to face-to-face meetings in the office, not only in times of pandemic. It also allows people from all over Germany or from abroad to have counseling sessions with me.

In-depth conversations about personal topics via Internet telephony - is that possible? My experience tells me: it is ! My family lives all over the world and during the 5 years I lived in Warsaw, Skype and the Internet were my main connection to friends and family in Germany.

Whether you travel a lot for work, currently live abroad, or simply enjoy the convenience of getting counseling at home, online counseling via the Internet is easy and effective.

It can be a support for e.g. the following issues:

  • Tensions at work
  • Adjustment difficulties
  • Problems in partnership
  • Crisis of meaning
  • Imbalance
  • Decision-making problems

It is also possible to use the tools of systemic therapy in virtual space, such as constellations and other types of visualization that complement what is being said.

Feel free to contact me in advance by phone or email to clarify whether your concerns can be handled well in an online consultation.